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Challenge Accepted

Seth enjoying his last taste of bacon for three weeks.

As many of you know, I have been vegan for a little over 5 years now. My husband, Seth, however, is not. He is a proud supporter of SAD, the standard American diet. Before we met, the only green things he ate were Skittles and M&Ms, among other neon treats. His diet was, like a majority of Americans, is high is processed foods, meat, dairy, and added sugars while being nearly void of any fruits and vegetables. I recently challenged Seth to not only partake in a five day juice cleanse, but also eat a strict whole foods, plant-based diet for two weeks afterwards. To my surprise, he actually accepted my challenge! After five years of boasting about all the benefits of a vegan lifestyle I must have finally broken him down.

So now you might be wondering why I would challenge my husband to this torture. He isn't overweight, he doesn't have any immediate health concerns or diseases, so why would he change his diet? While Seth isn't completely unhealthy, he isn't the epitome of health either. He is constantly fatigued, often suffers from allergy like symptoms, and a mild case of rosacea on his scalp and arms. I bet him that his symptoms would disappear and he would look and feel amazing if he would change his diet. Not one to back down from a challenge, Seth accepted. So starting tomorrow, Seth will begin his juice cleanse. Wish him luck!

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